The fastest-growing global company

in the circular tech market

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极速赛车开奖号码走势图计划分析 极速赛车168开奖直播 Global Company in the Circular Tech Market.

Alchemy is the largest, and fastest-growing circular tech company in the world. We are global experts in recovering, refreshing, and remarketing devices such as phones, tablets, laptops, and wearables.

  • Global Trade-in Capabilities

    global trade-in capabilities

  • 60

    operating in 60 countries

  • 1600

    customers and partners

  • 5m

    devices given a second life

  • 380k

    tons of Co2 emissions avoided by giving devices a second life

  • $440m

    annual revenues

A global leader in the Secondary Tech Market

Trusted by the largest device manufacturers, mobile operators, retailers, and marketplaces in the world to be their circularity tech provider.

  • blank-phone

    极速赛车168更准确计划 1分钟即时赛车体彩全面的信息服务 Recover

    Our device trade-in services and systems empower consumers and businesses from all over the world to recover values for their used technology.

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  • star-phone


    A mature ecosystem of tools and services process, refurbish and repair tech to make it ready for reuse.

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  • tick-phone


    A dynamic remarketing model, driven by deep pricing intelligence and extensive and complex sales channels, allows us to supply 168开奖直播视频赛车体彩游戏 开播全新开奖结果记录方法极速赛车全天现场 used and refurbished technology to consumers, businesses and partners globally.

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The Power of Circularity

Our mission is to provide the best and most effective service to enable the reuse of tech. By extending the lives of devices, we deliver benefits to our customers, the world’s population, and the planet itself.

  • Slashing Environmental Impact

    We help reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing each device by extending its life and promoting its reuse.

  • Partnering with the world’s leading Manufacturers, Operators and Retailers

    By monetising used and trade-in tech, we make the latest technology more affordable for new buyers, while ensuring their previous devices are responsibly repaired and remarketed or recycled.

  • Empowering Consumers and Businesses

    We enable the people across the world to access cutting edge technology whilst saving them money and greatly reducing technology’s impact on the planet.

Our partners

  • apple
  • verizon
  • tmobile
  • amazon
  • backmarket
  • samsung
  • bestbuy
  • telstra
  • cdw
  • walmart
  • ebay
  • asurion
  • swappie
  • assurant

Latest news from Alchemy

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  • Unlocking sustainability and savings with refurbished tech

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Alchemy ranked in Deloitte Technology Fast 50
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